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Thinking of selling your home without a realtor?

On Behalf of | May 1, 2021 | Real Estate Law |

The housing market is hot right now. With prices soaring and a lack of inventory, it is a seller’s market. While many homeowners in Texas will walk away from their homes making a pretty penny, some may choose to forego realtor services to net even more. Those who are thinking of selling their homes without a realtor may want to turn to an experienced real estate law attorney for assistance dealing with issues that often arise during the home selling process.  

The first reason to seek assistance: paperwork 

There is a lot of paperwork involved in selling a home here in Texas. Real estate forms have recently changed as well, which most sellers may not be aware of. Mistakes on paperwork and poorly drafted contracts can hold up a sale or cost a seller in the end. It is best to have everything drafted by an attorney who can make sure it is done right from the get-go and protects the sellers interests.  

The second reason to seek assistance: Inspections and disclosures 

Given where the market is right now, some buyers are choosing to forgo inspections to make their offers more appealing to sellers. They have the right to do that; they just have to deal with the consequences of that choice. Regardless of whether an inspection is completed, certain issues must be disclosed by a home seller. Legal counsel can help make sure all necessary disclosures are out in the open so the buyer cannot come back and sue for damages later.  

The third reason to seek assistance: Vetting a buyer 

No one wants to go through the whole seeing process only to find, in the end, that the buyer canactually come through. It is possible to vet a buyer to make sure he or she is good for what is being offered. Legal counsel may be able to provide some assistance with this. Sellers also can request a loan preapproval of the buyer from the lender.  

No amount of money saved by doing a for sale by owner is worth it if the contract fails to protect the seller in the end. It is better to ask questions and make sure everything is truly in order before finalizing a sale. Turning to a real estate law attorney for help may simply be in ones best interests.  


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