Navigating divorce in Texas can be challenging emotionally and financially. One aspect of divorce finances that is easy to overlook until spring each year is taxes. Here are a couple of tax breaks people may want to take advantage of after finalizing the divorce process.
How to file taxes after divorce
Perhaps two spouses decide to get divorced in 2024. They must still legally file their 2023 tax return as a married couple. They may also file jointly, which may yield a bigger standard deduction along with access to tax credits that spouses who file separately might not be able to take advantage of.
Moving forward, individuals who get divorced this year can use the head of household tax filing status for 2024 if they remain unmarried the entire year and their former spouses do not live with them during the final half of the year. They must also cover more than 50% of the cost of keeping up their homes in 2024 and have their dependent children live with them for over 50% of the year. This status provides a bigger standard deduction than what is available for single filers. The deduction is $20,800 for 2024 versus $13,850 for 2023.
How a family law attorney can help
A family law attorney in Texas can help an individual make educated decisions regarding how to file their taxes after divorce and navigate other aspects of divorce finances. For instance, the attorney can help him or her decide how to divide real estate, cars and household debt. The attorney will strive to ensure that a client’s best interests and rights are protected during each phase of the divorce proceeding.