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I can get by with a DIY will, right?

On Behalf of | Oct 30, 2021 | Estate Planning |

You’ve been thinking about your need for an estate plan of sorts for some time. You know you need a will, at least, but you don’t want to go through the official estate planning process. So, you are thinking about doing it yourself and writing your own will. Is a DIY will sufficient, and will it be honored in the state of Texas? 

A DIY will is not all it’s cracked up to be 

Anyone can indeed sit down and write a will. There are even websites people can go to and fill in a few blanks, then print out a will. Either of these options certainly sounds appealing and easy to do, but a will created this way is not all it is cracked up to be. It may not offer all the protection you desire or think you are getting.  

Questionable validity 

The thing with DIY wills is their validity is questionable. If this legal document lacks the proper signatures and notary stamp, it may not be considered valid. If it doesn’t meet state requirements, it may not be valid. In other words, it may be useless in the end. 

Go about it the right way 

The best way to create a will is to go through the estate planning process with an experienced attorney. Legal counsel can help you create a will that meets state requirements, is properly executed and valid. Your attorney can also help you with any other estate planning documents that you may need to ensure that you, your loved ones and your estate are protected in the way you desire. To learn more about estate planning and why it is better than creating a DIY will, please take a moment and visit our firm’s website.  



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