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Enjoy summer in Texas without child custody problems

On Behalf of | Jun 20, 2023 | Family Law |

When a set of Texas parents decides to divorce, they will want to make sure their parenting plan includes provisions for summer break. During summer, logistics often change; for instance, a custodial parent might need childcare for the kids while working outside the home full-time. Many custody problems can be summertime schedules and vacations in a parenting plan. 

Several key issues should be addressed in a child custody agreement, including arrangements for taking children on vacation, especially if the plan is to travel to another state or country. It is also important to consider financial provisions for summer activities and expenses, such as day camps or childcare. The more detailed a parenting plan is, the less room there might be for confusion or disputes.  

Choose a schedule that accommodates summer plans 

Texas parents may devise their own child custody agreement, including arrangements regarding summer break. If parents know ahead of time when they will be traveling with their kids, they can create a schedule that accommodates the plan. For example, if one parent plans on taking the kids on vacation for three weeks in August, it makes sense to schedule that time into the parenting plan. Many parents like to use an alternating schedule for the summer months, such as alternating parenting time every two weeks, all summer long or splitting summer break 50/50.  

Refer to the agreement if complications arise 

If the parenting plan terms are clear and concise, referring to the agreement can help resolve most basic issues that arise. If a legal problem occurs while kids are on summer break that is not addressed in the parenting plan, a concerned parent can seek guidance and support by scheduling a meeting with a family law attorney. If the problem is serious, such as a parent disregarding a court order to take the kids out of the country, a parent can seek the court’s immediate intervention. 


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