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Addressing the topic of foreign assets when facing a divorce

On Behalf of | Sep 8, 2023 | Family Law |

Many couples may accumulate various amounts and types of assets over the course of their marriages. One of the most imposing aspects of dissolving a marriage may involve preparing to divide marital wealth. While this can be daunting in any situation, there are some factors that may act to further complicate matters.

If you and your soon-to-be ex-spouse possess assets that lie in foreign countries, you might be uncertain of how best to approach this topic. Foreign assets can still play a significant role during your divorce, and there may be a variety of factors to consider when preparing to include similar topics in your strategy for the subsequent process.

Things to know about foreign assets

The presence of foreign assets may add to the complexity of the property division process. A few examples of vital topics to consider regarding such assets might include:

  • Marital or separate: One of the first topics to consider might involve determining whether foreign assets are marital or separate property, as this could influence the role these assets will play in the subsequent process.
  • Property values: Taking steps to properly identify and value marital wealth is also a vital step of preparing for a divorce, but with foreign assets, this process could prove complex in nature.
  • Foreign laws: The laws that govern the property division process may also vary, depending on the location of foreign assets. Obtaining insight on such a topic could prove imperative.
  • Hidden assets: Experts also indicate that addressing the topic of hidden assets may be vital, but uncovering the presence of concealed assets in another country might not always be so simple.

Although the idea of addressing foreign assets can seem somewhat intimidating, creating a thorough strategy for this aspect of divorce may also be essential to preserving your future interests.

Seeking guidance

Preparing to dissolve a marriage may never be easy, and you may face a variety of difficult choices during every stage of this process. Fortunately, this isn’t something you must navigate on your own. Seeking advice on what to consider regarding topics such as foreign assets may be integral to evaluating your situation and options. Such a decision may play a vital role in helping you understand what is at stake and prepare to make informed choices about what is best for your Texas future.


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