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Did distracted driving cause your car accident?

On Behalf of | Dec 6, 2016 | Motor Vehicle Accidents |

Distracted driving is not only a serious problem in Texas, it is an epidemic that is plaguing drivers and passengers across the country. Distraction can involve many different types of negligent or reckless behaviors, and even one moment of distraction can lead to serious or deadly consequences. If you believe that distracted driving played a role in your accident, you would be wise to take steps to protect your rights.

There is no excuse for distracted driving, and it is possible for you to hold the responsible parties accountable for any damage done to you or a loved one. As soon as possible after an accident, reach out to determine what legal options may be available to you.

The dangers of distraction behind the wheel

According to statistics, there are approximately 660,000 distracted drivers on the road at any given time. There are three main types of distraction, which include:

  • Cognitive distraction: This type of distraction occurs when a person is unfocused, tired or preoccupied, even if it seems like he or she is attentively driving.
  • Visual distraction: This occurs when a driver takes his or her eyes off the road, which can include looking at a phone, the radio or a passenger.
  • Manual distraction: This type of distraction occurs when a driver is doing something else or takes his or her hands off of the steering wheel while in control of the vehicle.

Texting and driving is one of the most common types of distracted driving, and it is particularly dangerous as it involves a combination of all three types of distraction. In fact, research suggests that when a driver looks at a phone, his or her eyes are not on the road for an average of five seconds.

Validating your personal injury case

As a victim of distracted driving, you have rights, but you may be unsure of how to seek justice. With the help of an experienced personal injury attorney, you can seek a full and fair recovery for your medical bills, lost wages and other financial losses.

Through phone records, witness statements and other documentation from the accident scene, your attorney can build a strong case on your behalf. The civil claims process is complex, and it is best to have a professional provide practical guidance while advocating for your best possible outcome.


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