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Why don’t more couples talk about prenups?

On Behalf of | May 11, 2018 | Family Law |

Many couples never mention prenuptial agreements before marriage. Experts say it is clear that these simple documents can protect a person’s wealth and financial future, but a lot of people still ignore them and gamble on getting married without one. Why is this?

The reason is simply that prenuptial agreements are a sensitive issue. One person may want one and never ask for fear of offending the other person. Couples who are in love do not like to talk about divorce or the end of a marriage because it feels like admitting some sort of defeat or failure before the marriage even begins.

Part of the reason for this stigma is that people often assume a prenup is in place to protect a spouse with relatively nothing from talking half of a wealthy person’s money. It is to prevent someone from getting married with the sole reason of later getting divorced and becoming wealthy through the marriage, not through any work of his or her own.

People feel like asking for a prenup is like accusing the other person of marrying for money alone. That’s not exactly a conversation a lot of people want to have two months before the wedding.

That said, people need to realistically look at the divorce rate and the statistics indicating how often marriages end. Having a prenup doesn’t mean it will end. Hopefully you can file your prenup away and forget about it. But it does mean you are financially protected if the relationship does end.

If you want to learn more about prenuptial agreements or any other aspect of divorce, our website has a lot of helpful information.


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