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Are there specific steps to take after a car accident?

On Behalf of | Jan 3, 2019 | Personal Injury |

There are few things in life scarier than being part of a car accident. Even if it’s a minor fender bender with one other vehicle, you’ll have concerns about your health, legal rights and the financial impact on your life.

There are several steps you can immediately take after a car accident to help put your mind at ease. Here are five things to do:

  • Check yourself for injuries: This is a top priority, as you need to know what you’re up against in regard to injuries, your health and the type of treatment you require.
  • Move to safety: Depending on the circumstances, this may be the first thing you do. Either way, do your best to move your vehicle out of traffic and to an area where you don’t have to worry about another accident.
  • Call 911: You should never attempt to control the scene of an accident on your own. A quick call to 911 will result in an ambulance and police being dispatched to the scene.
  • Receive medical treatment: Even if you’re feeling okay, but just a bit shook up, you should still ask for transportation to a local hospital for a professional evaluation. Some injuries don’t present symptoms right away.
  • Contact your insurance company: Once you review your policy, contact your insurance company to file a claim.

When you take these steps after a car accident, you’ll feel better about your ability to receive treatment for your injuries while protecting your legal rights.

It’s never easy to deal with the aftermath of a car accident, but knowing the steps to take will go a long way in helping you do so.


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