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Follow these bicycle safety tips at all times

On Behalf of | Apr 25, 2019 | Personal Injury |

It doesn’t matter if you’re riding your bicycle for recreational purposes or to commute to and from work, there are a variety of safety tips you can follow to avoid trouble. With the right plan in place, you’ll feel better every time you jump on your bike.

Here are three bicycle safety tips that anyone can follow:

  • Wear the appropriate safety gear: While it doesn’t guarantee that you’ll avoid injuries in the event of an accident, it can go a long way in keeping you safe. For example, a helmet can be the difference between a concussion and a serious traumatic brain injury.
  • Ride in a bicycle lane when available: This is the best place to ride your bicycle, as you don’t have to concern yourself with vehicles and pedestrians. If a bicycle lane is available, stay off the sidewalk and out of the flow of traffic.
  • Watch for moving and stopped vehicles: It goes without saying that you’ll keep a close eye on any moving vehicles, as to avoid a collision. However, you should also watch for parked vehicles, as someone could open a door into your path of travel.

Even if you follow these pointers, you could still suffer injuries in a car-bicycle accident. If this happens, your first priority is to receive medical treatment. This typically means moving to safety, if possible, and calling 911 for help.

Once you receive treatment and discuss your prognosis with your medical team, learn more about the cause of the accident and then contact your insurance company. There are steps you can take to hold the negligent driver responsible for your injuries and other damages.


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