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A parenting agreement can help prevent a child custody dispute

On Behalf of | May 7, 2019 | Family Law |

The well-being of your children should be at the top of your priority list during the divorce process. Even though there are many things that require your attention, putting your children on the back burner can result in more issues in the future.

As you negotiate with your soon-to-be ex-spouse, you’ll find yourself working out the finer details of a parenting agreement. With this in place, you’ll both have a clear idea of what you can and can’t do in the future.

Here are some of the most common things to include in a parenting agreement:

  • Which parent will have physical custody of the children
  • If one or both parents will have legal custody of the children
  • A visitation schedule for the parent who does not have physical custody
  • A schedule outlining where the children will spend vacations, holidays, birthdays and other events
  • Language discussing how contact with extended family will work

Some people also include details regarding disputes and changes to the parenting agreement. This can help protect you in the future, as there are likely to be times when you have a disagreement or need to make a change.

Violating a court-approved parenting agreement is not recommended, as you could face legal consequences. Unfortunately, even if you follow the details of the agreement, your ex-spouse may not do the same.

If your ex is making it difficult to maintain a relationship with your children, review your parenting agreement and then decide on the next steps. There are many things you can do to protect your legal rights.


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