At various times while driving, it can prove dangerous to attempt certain maneuvers. While you pride yourself on remaining a conscientious driver at all times and would never put others in unnecessary danger, you likely understand that other driver’s do not always practice such courtesies.
Unfortunately, one person’s decision to carry out at risky action could result in a serious car accident. The person may have ignored weather conditions, traffic laws or other things that made it unsafe to drive in a certain way. As a result, you may have suffered for his or her actions. In particular, passing another vehicle can be an easy way to cause a crash if done incorrectly.
When is passing dangerous?
Most drivers choose to pass another vehicle at some point or another. You may not particularly like this action because of the dangers it can present, but you also understand that it is not always prohibited or dangerous. However, there are times at which passing is prohibited or dangerous, such as:
- Passing on a hill
- Passing in a curve of the road
- Traveling over the speed limit in order to pass another vehicle
- Passing when it is raining or foggy
- Passing within 100 feet of a bridge or railroad crossing
- Passing a school bus when it is stopped to load or unload children
- Using the shoulder of the road to pass
- Passing when there are double yellow lines on the road
- Passing in an area with a posted “no passing” sign
As a stickler for driving safety, you likely would never break the law in order to pass another vehicle or do so when the conditions did not give an expectation of safety. Still, another driver may have ignored these rules in order to pass another vehicle, or multiple vehicles, and a collision involving your vehicle may have occurred.
Suffering injuries and seeking compensation
If you experienced such an event in which another driver was responsible for the crash, you may have suffered serious injuries. A driver could have hit your vehicle head-on while trying to pass others or may have unsafely cut back in front of your vehicle. Whatever the case, you may have reason to file a personal injury claim in efforts to pursue compensation for damages permitted under Texas law.