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What kind of prognosis do traumatic brain injury victims have?

On Behalf of | Dec 5, 2019 | Personal Injury |

Individuals who are hurt by defective products or become involved in car crashes or other serious accidents often suffer traumatic brain injuries (TBIs). These often involve significant bleeding, swelling or brain chemistry changes. The type of medical care that a patient receives immediately following such an injuring incident can greatly impact their long-term prognosis.

Many individuals who are involved in injuring incidents may become unresponsive immediately after suffering a TBI.

Individuals who suffer moderate to severe TBIs may find themselves disoriented or confused after they awaken from a coma. Their behaviors may be quite similar to someone who has been diagnosed with amnesia.

Moderate-to-severe TBI patients may also experience disrupted sleep patterns or may appear nervous, agitated or frustrated. Individuals with serious brain injuries such as these may be overly sensitive to certain stimuli such as noise or have trouble regulating their mood, remembering things or focusing. An individual with a more severe injury may also have difficulty discerning what’s real and what isn’t. All of this can be very alarming for an injured party’s loved ones.

It’s only once a patient awakes from a vegetative state such as a coma that doctors can see how profound someone’s injury truly is.

Statistics compiled by the Model Systems Knowledge Translation Center (MSKTC) shows that 30% of individuals who suffer moderate-to-severe brain injuries require support from someone else to perform everyday activities two years after their accident. That same data shows that at least 25% of those same individuals experience major depression after the onset of their injury.

Only 30% of those who are injured remain employed post-accident. Most of the patients that do continue working don’t remain employed in the same industry that they did before they got hurt. The data also shows that only 50% of those individuals who suffer moderate-to-severe TBIs drive post-injury.

Some of the most severe types of TBIs tend to greatly impact an individual’s ability to remain independent long-term after their injuries. This places a person who is hurt as well as their loved ones in a vulnerable financial position. A personal injury attorney can aid you in recovering the compensation necessary to support yourself now and in the future here in Temple or elsewhere in Texas.


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