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Breaking news of divorce gently to your kids

On Behalf of | Jul 14, 2020 | Family Law |

Texas parents like you have to think of your child first during divorce. You need to figure out child custody arrangements. You must decide on child support payments. You have to do this in addition to determining alimony or asset division.

On top of that, you need to decide how you want to tell your child. Tackling this topic is a tricky situation. It is important to go about it in a way that causes the least amount of harm.

Decide what information to share

Psychology Today discusses how to approach the subject of divorce with your kids. These are just suggestions or guidelines to follow. Not every suggestion will work for every situation. But these tend to have higher success rates.

First, know that your child should have some information, but not all. They do not need to know personal details related to the divorce. They do not need to know the exact reason for the divorce. Instead, focus on the changes that may come next. They should know what will stay the same and what may not. Tell them which parent is moving out. Explain the idea of visitation schedules. This removes some element of surprise and can reduce your child’s trauma response.

Give your child reassurance

Next, reassure your child that this is not their fault. Children of divorce often internalize guilt. Having reassurance from both parents helps mitigate this. You and your co-parent should present a unified front and avoid arguing in front of your child, too. This also allows them to feel more comfortable. The greater their sense of stability, the better they can handle this news.


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