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Stay safe on your motorcycle with these strategies

On Behalf of | Sep 23, 2020 | Personal Injury |

If you are a motorcycle enthusiast, you know how much fun it can be to travel on the open road. However, you are also probably aware that motorcyclists have a high risk of catastrophic auto accident injury.

Review these safety tips to protect yourself when riding your motorcycle.

Consistent helmet use

Texas does not require a motorcycle helmet if you are older than 20, but consider wearing one anyway to decrease your risk of a motorcycle fatality by 37% according to the National Safety Council. Your helmet should fit correctly and have approval from the Department of Transportation. If you choose not to wear a helmet, you must carry proof that you completed a driver education course and have appropriate auto insurance.

Ongoing education

The Motorcycle Safety Foundation offers courses for new and advanced motorcycle riders. Even if you have been on your bike for decades, taking a class can improve your safety skills and even potentially qualify you for an insurance discount.


Remaining visible to drivers is the key to staying safe on your motorcycle. Stay out of blind spots at all times by leaving plenty of distance between you and other vehicles. Use your headlights even when the sun is out. In the dark, wear reflective tape or clothing to ensure you stand out.

In addition to these three strategies, remember to follow the same Texas traffic laws that apply to other drivers. Abide by all traffic signals and be especially careful at intersections, where most collisions occur. Defensive driving techniques can reduce the chances of a serious motorcycle accident.


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