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Getting ready to buy a home?

On Behalf of | Feb 20, 2021 | Real Estate Law |

Youve decided that this is the year you are going to purchase a house in Texas. You are ready. You have all your ducks in a row. Now you just need to find a home, make an offer, close the deal and get moved in. It all sounds simple enough, but the homebuying process can be somewhat complex, and it may not go as smoothly as you expect. 

Protect yourself 

As a homebuyer, you need to protect yourself and your investment. This is likely the most substantial purchase you will make in your lifetime. You will want to make sure the contract terms work in your favor, not against you. For example, there are various contingencies allowed in a purchasing agreement that can protect you and your money if, for some reason, you need or want to back out of the sale. Without these contingencies, you may be stuck with a property that has a lot of problems or find yourself out thousands of dollars if you opt to walk away.  

Dont just get help from a real estate agent 

Having a real estate agent help you through the homebuying process can be a good thing. There are a lot of fabulous agents out there willing to assist you. However, some real estate agents are more focused on closing the sale than they are on the interests of everyone involved. They might use general contracts that dont take into consideration your specific wants or circumstances.  

Why turn to a real estate attorney? 

An experienced real estate attorney can serve as an unbiased third party who will have the ability to review contract terms and make sure it serves your best interests. If issues are noted, legal counsel can help you negotiate better terms. To learn more about how legal counsel can assist you with the homebuying process in Texas, please take a moment and visit our firms website. 




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