One of the biggest concerns parents in Texas have when going through the divorce process is being able to take care of their children from a financial standpoint when all is said and done. Generally, both parents are responsible for contributing money toward their children’s needs, but one may be required to make child support payments to the parent who has the children the bulk of the time. How does the court decide how much child support is to be paid?
All about income
The courts will look at each parent’s income — not just what each makes at his or her job, but any other sources of income as well. Taxes, insurance and union dues are also taken into consideration.
Percentage of income
After figuring out the non-custodial parent’s net income, the courts will look at how many children are needing support. For one child, the support order would be written for 20% of the obligor’s net income. It increases in 5% increments up to five children. Anyone with five or more children may be ordered to pay 40% of their net resources in child support.
The numbers above apply if the non-custodial parent makes $7,000 or less per month. The payment amount may significantly increase if one makes more than that. The courts will look at a child’s specific needs and the standard of living before divorce to determine how much one will have to pay.
Fight for a fair order
When ordered to pay child support, it is easy to feel one is getting the short end of the stick. While the guidelines in Texas are pretty clear, it is possible to fight for a fair order or even seek an adjustment down the line if necessary. Legal counsel can help parents receive child support orders that provide what their children need and work with their current monetary constraints.